Our Clarion Commitments

Commitment 5
We will work to ensure that Clarion neighbourhoods are safe, clean and well maintained.

Our Commitment 5, grandmother and granddaughter gardening

January 2025 performance

People in house illustration

Maximise the occupancy of our homes.

Target: 98.5%

Target met: 98.5%

Estate inspection illustration

Regularly inspect estates and communal areas to ensure they are clean, well maintained and clear of fire hazards and rubbish.

Target: 90%

Target exceeded: 93.6%

1,114 due, 1,043 completed

Padlock illustration

Work closely with residents, the Police and other services to reduce antisocial behaviour, drug dealing, harassment and hate crime on our estates.

Exclamation speech bubble illustration

Respond to reports of serious antisocial behaviour and domestic abuse issues within 1 working day.

Target: 98%

Target exceeded: 100%

184 received, 184 completed

Sound level illustration

Respond to noise complaints and less serious antisocial behaviour that meet our thresholds within 5 working days.

Target: 95%

Current performance: *90.8%

509 received, 462 completed

Spray can illustration

Remove offensive graffiti within 1 working day.

Target: 95%

Target exceeded: 100%

2 received, 2 completed

Spray can illustration

Remove graffiti within 28 working days.

Target: 95%

Target exceeded: 100%

22 received, 22 completed

Lawnmower illustration

Regularly trim and tidy grassed areas, shrubs and hedges.

Target: 90%

Target exceeded: 95.6%

831 out of 869 received a score of acceptable or good.

*We continue to experience resourcing challenges which has affected case management. We are working hard to bring this measure to target.