Commitment 3
We will keep your home well maintained.

October 2024 performance
Complete, or make safe, emergency repairs in your home within 24 hours of them being reported.
Target: 98%
Current performance: *97.9%
6,057 required, 5,931 completed
Complete non-emergency repairs within 28 days of them being reported, at a time convenient to you (subject to availability of parts and materials).
Target: 90%
Current performance: **79.9%
23,407 required, 18,698 completed
Invest in your home if you are a tenant to ensure it meets the ***decent homes standard.
Target: 100%
Current performance: ****99%
*A small overall decrease in performance this month with an expectation of being back within target by year end.
**This measure continues to improve month on month, with further gains anticipated during the second half of the year.
***Safe, sustainable and well maintained.
****Clarion are committed to understanding the condition of our residents' homes and as such undertake a programme of stock condition surveys to inform us of matters that need our attention. The homes that were reported as non-decent as of 31st March 2024 have either already had works completed to bring them up to decent homes standards or have works planned in the near future.