Our Clarion Commitments

Commitment 3
We will keep your home well maintained.

Our Commitment 3, mother and child at home on sofa

May 2024 performance

Clock with wrench illustration

Complete, or make safe, emergency repairs in your home within 24 hours of them being reported.

Target: 98%

Current performance: *97.9%

5,708 required, 5,586 completed

Calendar illustration

Complete non-emergency repairs within 28 days of them being reported, at a time convenient to you (subject to availability of parts and materials).

Target: 90%

Current performance: **69%

21,180 required, 14,620 completed

Homes and tick illustration

Invest in your home if you are a tenant to ensure it meets the ***decent homes standard.

Target: 100%

Current performance: ****98.7%

*This measure is almost at its goal, and we expect it to keep getting better.

**The consultation for a new measure to report complex works needing a 90 day priority is complete. This will be implemented soon to better measure performance for non-emergency repairs.

***Safe, sustainable and well maintained.

****Clarion are committed to understanding the condition of our resident homes and as such undertake a programme of stock condition surveys to inform us of matters that need our attention. The homes that were reported as non-decent as of 31st March 2023 are all being reviewed with further surveys to understand the works required immediately in order to bring them up to the decent homes standard as a matter of priority.