Commitment 1
We will provide services that are easy to access and respond promptly to your enquiries.
![Our Commitment 1, young lady on mobile phone, oudoors](./assets/LRtzEyaMj6/istock-638898084_shaded-4096x2731.jpg)
October 2023 performance
![Cursor mouse](./assets/L7A16slSZE/commitment-1-1-1200x600.png)
Provide you with 24/7 online access to report repairs and request other services.
Target: 95%
Target exceeded: 100%
![Speech Bubbles](./assets/3EJblW4RDT/commitment-1-2-1200x600.png)
Reply to your emails and online enquiries to our central contact centre within 5 working days on average.
Target: 5 working days
Target exceeded: *4.4 working days
![Megaphone illustration](./assets/YBKeFMEnOX/commitment-1-3-1200x600.png)
Publicise ways to make a complaint if things go wrong and what to do if you're unhappy about the outcome of your complaint.
![Calendar illustration](./assets/tlSndlS9Ha/commitment-1-4-1200x600.png)
Resolve your complaint within 15 working days on average.
Target: **20 working days
Current performance: ***25 working days
![Phone illustration](./assets/KrmdYWAUWx/commitment-1-5-1200x600.png)
Retain and publicise our contact centre phone number for those who prefer to contact us this way.
We continue to add our phone number as standard to all communications.
*Housing emails 4.7 working days and repairs emails 3.7 working days.
**Due to the impact of the cyber incident, the ombudsman has temporarily agreed to extend our target to 20 days.
***Under target due to a number of older cases which needed to be closed, as they could not be resolved due to impacts of the cyber incident. Though we were able to close 34.9% of cases within 15 working days.