Commitment 1
We will provide services that are easy to access and respond promptly to your enquiries.

Our Commitment 1, young lady on mobile phone, oudoors

January 2025 performance

Cursor mouse

Provide you with 24/7 online access to report repairs and request other services.

Target: 95%

Target exceeded: 100%

Speech Bubbles

Reply to your emails and online enquiries to our central contact centre within 5 working days on average.

Target: 5 working days

Target exceeded: *1.4 working days

Megaphone illustration

Publicise ways to make a complaint if things go wrong, and what to do if you're unhappy about the outcome of your complaint.

Calendar illustration

Acknowledge and record your complaint within 5 working days.

Target: 5 working days

Target exceeded:
4.6 working days

Thumbs up illustration

Resolve your complaint within 10 working days on average.

Target: 10 working days

Current performance:
**22.8 working days

Phone illustrations

Retain and publicise our contact centre phone number for those who prefer to contact us this way.

We continue to add our phone number as standard to all communications.

*Housing emails 1.1 and repairs emails 2.0.

**The average resolution time for January is 22.8 working days. We experienced a higher volume of complaints in December compared to last year, at a time when staffing was lower due to the festive break. This affected our ability to resolve complaints in January within our target. We are working to improve resolution times and reduce the number of complaints while also focusing on improving the quality and positive outcomes of our complaint resolutions.